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Which CDMA operator do U prefer?

In indonesia, cheap telecommunications tariff still holded by operator base on CDMA. While GSM operator start try to degrade tariff, but still not yet can defeat CDMA. But many consumer still use GSM because broader service reach and flexibility.
Now in Indonesia, there are four CDMA operator that is Telkom Flexi, Starone Indosat, Esia Bakrie, and Fren Mobile-8. From is fourth of the operator, Fren represent the single cellular license like GSM while other get license with fixed wireless telephone.

All operator offer cheap telephone tariff to same operator where only in gyration of thousands per hour. For example Starone to local call in same operator (on net) only Rp. 19 / minute, in one island only Rp. 16 / minute and interisland only Rp. 33 / minute. While Telkom Flexy give tariff Rp. 49 / minute for local call on net. Esia for the call tariff on net is Rp. 50 / minute and will become Rp. 1000 if abysmal 1 hour. Fren from Mobile-8 though cellular but also give competitif tariff that is Rp. 5 / 30 second for the minute of third and so on where two first minute Rp. 1.200 or Rp. 300 / 30 second.

But so, when compared to other state, telecommunications tariff in Indonesia still pertained is costly. Even in Japan now said have started there is free telephone with advertisement. That Hmmm... imagine it happened in Indonesia. Myself less knowing how much telecommunications tariff in other state, You know it? And if in Indonesia, which CDMA operator do U prefer?

Posted by mr.bink 10:05 AM  


  1. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    lho komenku koq terputus ya???
    aku ralat deh.
    Kalo aku memilih Fren...lanjutannya sama dengan yang diatas.
    mr.bink said...
    Kalau aku pake dua hape, GSM dan CDMA..untuk keluar kota atau yang jaringannya bagus tetap kupercayakan pada GSM, jadi fungsinya lebih ke nerima and sms aja. Trus kalo CDMA aku pilih yang model FWA karena biar lebih keren kayak telpon rumah, orang lokal yang nelpon juga seneng karena bisa murah dari wartel atau telepon umum di pinggir jalan pake cepek. :D
    cinémajest said...
    pake dua kartu dari operator CDMA..
    fren..utk ngobrol berjam-jam dgn sang kekasih, dan oke2 aja untuk dibawa ke luar kota (masih sekitaran pulau jawa sih)..
    starone..utk menelpon dan ditelpon dgn tarif.

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